10 Surprising Reasons For Drinking More Coconut Milk

10 Surprising Reasons For Drinking More Coconut Milk On A Paleo Diet

When it comes to following the Paleo diet, the main food groups you should avoid are legumes, grains, and dairy.   For those who have only just transitioned over to this lifestyle, you may look for alternatives to milk.

If you’ve just begun following the Paleo lifestyle, there is one kind of milk I would recommend you try.  You should try including more coconut milk in your Paleo diet.

Canned Coconut Milk

You can now buy this or you can make it yourself.   The most nutritious form of this product is the kind you make yourself.   

When buying canned coconut milk or the kind available in cartons there are a few things you need to remember.

  1. Make sure it is a brand free of BPA (Bisphenol A).
  2. Need to choose the unsweetened varieties. So they include no added sugar.
  3. Look for ones that contain no carrageenan.
  4. If possible, choose ones made using organic coconut.
  5. Select ones that include no preservatives in them such as sulfites.
  6. Check how much Vitamin A Palmitate they contain.  This is especially important if you take a Vitamin A supplement.

So now you know which ones to be buying what are the benefits of including such milk into your Paleo lifestyle?

Benefits Of Coconut Milk On A Paleo Diet

1. Lowers Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Levels

This is because this food is a great source of Lauric Acid.  50% of the fat in coconut contains this acid.  Not only does it have great antibacterial properties but antiviral ones.

 Lowers Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Levels

Also, coconut milk contains certain minerals that our body needs.  These are the ones that help to control blood flow.  These minerals also help to keep blood vessels more flexible and elastic.  As well as help to prevent plaque from building up in them.  One mineral contained in this milk is magnesium.   Not only does it help with circulation but helps muscles remain relaxed.

2.  Help You Build Muscle And So Lose Fat

In this milk, you’ll find MCT (Medium-chain triglycerides) fatty acids.   Not only do they help you generate more energy.  You’ll find that they help you perform better.   

After exercising our muscles need lots more nutrients. They specifically need electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium.  Both of which are in coconut milk.

Help You Build Muscle

These help to now only repair tissue but help it grow back even stronger.

You’ll also find the healthy fats in this milk help to prevent you from snacking.  This is because they make you feel fuller for longer.   So your body will turn to the fat stored in it to provide it with the energy it needs throughout the day.

3.  Prevents Fatigue

It helps to prevent fatigue through the electrolytes it contains.  Plus, there are certain minerals in this milk that help to maintain blood volume.  Leads to regulating heart health.   

You’ll find these electrolytes prove invaluable as they prevent dehydration or diarrhea from occurring.

Coconut Milk Helps Prevent Fatigue

After you’ve exercised or been ill such milk will prove invaluable.  You won’t feel as exhausted, and it reduces the risk of developing heart problems.  You’ll find the risk of suffering from heatstroke, muscles cramps or aches is much lower.  Plus, you’ll find it helps to boost your immune system.

4.  Improved Brain Function

The MCT fatty acids found in this milk helps to increase brain energy.  This is done without them needing to pass through the digestive tract first.

5.  Makes Losing Weight Easier

As this milk is rich in MCT’s it proves to be filling.  As well as being fat burning food.  When you feel satisfied then the risk of you overeating is reduced.  Plus, you may find that you don’t crave other foods as much as you did before starting your Paleo Diet.  So helping to reduce the risk of you putting weight on.

 Makes Losing Weight Easier

6.  Improves Digestion

Sometimes when you follow a Paleo lifestyle, you may become constipated.  But including coconut milk in your Paleo diet can help to prevent this.  This is because this milk helps to nourish the lining of your digestive tract.

This also helps to improve your gut health.  It could then lead to preventing you from suffering from conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

7.  Can Help To Control Diabetes

The fat found in this form of milk can slow down the rate at which sugar is released into your bloodstream.  So helping you to control your insulin levels better.   This could lead to you no longer suffering from “sugar highs”.  It could even help to control or even reverse your diabetes.   

Can Help Control Diabetes

Plus the MCT’s contained in this food is preferred by our bodies.

8.  Help Prevent Anemia

The amount of iron found in this milk isn’t that high.  But it still provides you with a good source of plant-based iron.  The kind that can help to prevent you from becoming deficient and so suffer from anemia.

9.  Help Prevent Join Inflammation

The MCT’s found in coconut milk help to lower inflammation in the body.  This can help to reduce symptoms associated with certain conditions such as arthritis.

Coconut Milk Can Reduce Joint Inflammation

Plus, you may find after exercising it reduces the amount of pain you may find in your joints or muscles.   

10.   Help Prevent Ulcers

This food can help to reduce the occurrence of ulcers.  Even more so than coconut water can.  When drank coconut milk helps to protect the gastric mucus in your stomach.

As already discussed above you can buy coconut milk in either cans or cartons.  But if you really want to reap the benefits of this food, then why not consider making your own?   

Fresh Coconut

The whole process is relatively simple.   The great thing is you need not use fresh coconut.  You can use dried coconut flakes instead.

Below is a recipe worth trying out you may find useful as part of your Paleo diet.  One that will help you enjoy delicious, nutritious coconut milk anytime you want.

But to make it you will need the following pieces of equipment:

  • Colander
  • Cheesecloth
  • High Powered Blender – Such As Vitamix Or Blendtec
Homemade Coconut Milk
Recipe Type: General
Cuisine: Healthy
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1 2/3 Cups
Instructions that will help you make your own delicious Coconut Milk that will save you money.
  • 2 Cups Unsweetened Dried Coconut – Finely Shredded
  • 2 3/4 Cups Water
  1. In a saucepan combine the water and coconut.
  2. Bring to the boil over a high heat.
  3. Once boiling turn off the heat and cover. Leave the ingredients to set for an hour.
  4. Now pour the mixture into a blender and blend on high for 2 to 5 minutes. You may find if you have a Vitamix or Blendtec you will not need to blend for so long as these are powerful blenders.
  5. Whilst the blender is running place a tea towel or cloth over the lid and keep your hand on top.
  6. The mixture should now be thick and slightly granular.
  7. Now pour the pulp into the cheesecloth and suspend it over a glass blow. You may find placing the cheesecloth inside a strainer or sieve makes it easier to handle.
  8. You can now let either the milk strain through the cheesecloth by gravity or if you want you can help the process along by squeezing the pulp.
  9. If you don’t intend to use your coconut milk straight away, then store it in a glass jar.
  10. It can be kept in the jar for up to 2 weeks if you store it in the refrigerator. But if you freeze it, it will last for up to a year.
  11. Before using it you need either to shake it well, blend it or gently warm it through.

 The great thing is once you have made your coconut milk, don’t throw away the pulp remaining.  If you have a dehydrator place the pulp on to fruit roll sheets and place in your dehydrator.  If you don’t have fruit roll sheets, then use some parchment paper to line the racks in your dehydrator. Now leave it there for between 12 and 24 hours.  After this time remove and place in a blender and mix at high speed until it forms a fine powder.  You now have your own coconut flour.

If however, you don’t have a dehydrator you can also prepare the flour in an oven.  Place the pulp on a parchment paper covered baking tray and place in the oven.  It should set at the lowest temperature setting possible.  Now leave in the oven for 4 hours.   After this time the pulp should have dried out completely.  Again place in a blender and blend on high until it forms a fine powder.  You can use the coconut flour you’ve made in all kinds of Paleo diet recipes.

2 thoughts on “10 Surprising Reasons For Drinking More Coconut Milk On A Paleo Diet”

  1. Thanks for sharing this! I feel like between Almondmilk, soy milk and plain old dairy milk that coconut milk gets forgotten and it’s just the best! My absolute favorite! I love to make my own coffee creamer using coconut milk! Once I realized how easy it was I totally stopped buying it in stores. I don’t follow any particular diet so please correct anything that isn’t paleo approved but here is what I do (it takes less than 5 minutes and less than 5 ingredients!)
    You’ll need:
    Can of lite coconut milk
    2 Tbsp Maple syrup (to taste) or sweetener of choice
    2 tsp Vanilla extract (to taste)
    THAT’S IT!!
    Add all 3 to a bottle, jar or something with a lid, give it a good shake & you’re done!!
    Leave it in the fridge until ready to use, shake it a tad and add some to your tea or coffee!
    For an extra special treat I like to add a bit of carob &/or cacao powder to make a “mocha” flavored creamer which is totally guilt free! Just make sure to buy unsweetened & in it’s natural form. Carob is a bit sweet on it’s own even. I have become obsessed with this & use it any time I want luxurious creamy taste without the chemicals & calories!
    Thanks again!!!

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