Looking For Some Easy Paleo Lunch Ideas?
As a mom, you’ve probably heard your kids or your partner complain about how boring their lunch at school or work was.
Whereas, if you are single, you may have been eating the same food for the past few weeks as part of your new Paleo lifestyle.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could provide something a little more exciting for lunch, even when following the Paleo diet? Well, you can by simply following some of our Paleo lunch ideas.
You’ll probably find that you’ve come across quite a few occasions where your family has been complaining about their lunchtime meals.
Whether you’ve been following the Paleo lifestyle for some time or have just chosen to switch over to it, you’ll want to keep your family enjoying it. So if you need to prepare lunch for them, of course, you must ensure that the food you choose they will enjoy.
You could, of course, stick to what you feel comfortable with, but hopefully, over time you start to feel a little more confident. Once you do then of course you can begin to crank things up.
Hopefully, once you’ve finished reading this post about Paleo lunch ideas, you’ll be more willing to experiment a little more.
Okay, there may be some meals that your kids’ school or your partner’s work offer can be considered being Paleo. But actually preparing Paleo lunch boxes for them is a far better option.
Yes, it may take you a few minutes (or a few hours) of your time to get meals prepared. But you won’t be able to deny the benefits that will come from giving your family a Paleo diet lunch.
Not convinced yet?
Well, here are a few things that you may want to consider before you even dismiss the idea that making quick Paleo lunches is no better than letting your family by processed foods.
Are you amazed at how other people find the time to be able to prepare fancy-looking lunches, even if their time is limited?
Truth be told, when it comes to making Paleo lunches it doesn’t need to complicated or time-consuming. All you need is the right meal plan.
Planning ahead is the best way for you and your family to enjoy different Paleo diet lunch boxes each day of the week.
By planning ahead, you can buy and then prepare everything that you need for the following week in advance. This also means you can ensure that what your family eats when at school or work fits in with your new healthy lifestyle.
So why should you consider making easy Paleo lunches for work or school?
Well, there are several reasons why we would suggest you make your own lunches when following the Paleo diet.
You Know What Ingredients Your Lunches Contain
As mentioned earlier there are some foods that restaurants, cafeterias at schools, and workplaces offer that could be considered being Paleo.
But what you need to be aware of is that there may be some ingredients they use that aren’t considered to be Paleo.
It is only through making your own family’s lunches can you be sure that what you include in them is approved as part of the Paleolithic diet.
By making up your family’s own meals to take to work or school will you be able to ensure that each one contains enough healthy fats and vegetables in them.
You Can Make Yours Safely
We cannot really tell what is going on behind the scenes in some kitchens. You just don’t know if they are following the appropriate standards in relation to preparing food.
But you can prepare and then cook the food you place in each of your family’s Paleo lunch boxes to your own exacting standards.
Some may say you are being overly cautious. But this is a natural reaction for those people who want to not only keep themselves but their family safe as well.
Helps You To Promote A More Healthy Lifestyle
Without needing to say anything, you aren’t only just promoting a more healthy lifestyle to your family, but to those they come in contact with.
Don’t be too amazed when people who see you and your family regularly enjoying delicious Paleo diet lunches want to know more about them.
When they start to see the effect that even quick Paleo lunches are having on you and your family you may find that they actually want to learn more about them.
Without you realizing it, you are showing them just how beneficial following the Paleo lifestyle can be to them.
You Can Get Your Family To Take Part
When you are preparing some of these various Paleo lunch ideas, we offer below getting everyone to help out is a great idea.
Don’t just get your family involved with preparing the food, also allow them some involvement regarding the planning and buying of ingredients. It is a great way for you as a family to bond.
Most Paleo recipes you come across are extremely versatile, so you may find some that can easily be altered to provide you with some great Paleo lunch box ideas.
You could even find that some of the ideas we suggest in this post are suitable for making some delicious meals you can enjoy in the morning for breakfast.
All the Paleo lunch ideas we suggest whether for your partner to take to work or your kids to take to school are easy to make. Plus, with everyone involved won’t take that long to prepare.
Creating The Perfect Paleo Lunch Recipes
When you want to prepare lunches for your family that is Paleo approved, it is important that you have the right ingredients in your home. You need to make sure that you have some if not all the following in your kitchen.
Paleo Pantry Staples For Making Easy Paleo Lunches For Work Or School
Healthy Cooking Fats
Ghee and Avocado Oil are perfect to use for when you want to cook food at high temperatures.
Extra Virgin Oil is perfect for creating wonderful sauces and dressings.
Coconut Oil and Grass-Fed Butter (without salt) are the perfect fats to use for creating wonderful baked goods.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Balsamic, Red, or White Wine Vinegars–these are optional and are ideal for making dressings with quickly
Almond, Coconut, or Cassava Flour – All three of which are perfect for making bread, pancakes, cakes, or cookies.
Nuts And Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
Keep these in the cupboard as snacks or to make delicious tasting granola.
Nut And Seed Butters
Look at including unsweetened almond butter, coconut butter, or tahini in your food, plus any others that you like. Yes, you can include peanut butter as well, but remember it strictly isn’t Paleo.
Raw Honey, Maple Syrup And Coconut Sugar
These are wonderful to help with making delicious tasting dressings and sauces, you can also include them in some delicious baked goods.
Dried Herbs And Spices
It is up to you what herbs and spices you stock in your kitchen, as you can use anyone you like. But some of the main ones to consider stocking are parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage, cumin, turmeric, and cinnamon.
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
Especially go for those that are in season. Also keep a good stock of fresh lemons, limes, and oranges in your kitchen. These like the honey and maple syrup are a wonderful addition to many dressings.
Meat And Fish
You should buy the best quality meat and fish you can that you then cook to include in say your partners easy Paleo lunches for work. Ideally, go for meat that is 100% grass-fed and wild-caught fish. Of course, it is still acceptable to say used tinned tuna.
Help To Prepare Quick Paleo Lunches
Deciding what to prepare for your family’s Paleo lunchboxes every week may take some time. But as the weeks go by, you will discover that things start to get easier.
But the tips we offer below are ones that will help to make this whole process a lot easier, plus you won’t need to spend the entire day in the kitchen preparing the meals.
Plus, there are several benefits to be gained from preparing your Paleo lunches in advance.
- Will save you money
- You will end up wasting less food
- Saves you time so you can enjoy your family’s company more
Preparing food in advance may be one of the most important things you do when it comes to staying on track with your new Paleo diet lifestyle.
How To Prepare Paleo Lunch Boxes
Step 1 – Create A Meal Plan
You need to write out the meals that you and your family will want to enjoy each time for the following week. It is important that you include some protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats in each meal. Also, make sure to include some fruit and vegetables in each lunch box.
When deciding what meals you want to create to put in your child’s or partner’s lunch boxes, then ask them if they have any particular favourites.
Step 2 – Draw Up A Shopping List
So go through each of the recipes and make a list of any ingredients you need to buy that you don’t currently have in your cupboards, fridge, or freezer. This way when you go to do the shopping, you won’t end up buying items that you don’t want or need.
Step 3 – Prepare The Food
Once you get back from shopping, you can now begin to prepare the food that you will give to your family to enjoy at lunchtime whilst at school or work. Again, why not get your family involved?
The more your family is involved in preparing meals, you may find that they are will enjoy the food more.
Begin washing and then chopping up the fruits and vegetables that each meal needs. This way you can add them into the various recipes as and when required. This is something you can get your children to do if you feel comfortable with them using a knife.
Whilst they are preparing the fruits and vegetables, you can get any meat or fish prepared ready for cooking. It is a good idea to cut each piece of meat or fish into bite-size pieces. Not only will they take less time to cook but also will be much easier to eat.
Step 4 – Cooking The Food For Your Easy Paleo Lunch Ideas
When it comes to cooking meat or fish, you may find that utilising a slow cooker helps. Also, you may find you can add in some vegetables so they cook all at the same time. You can then leave this food to cook whilst you are cooking the other food for the meals you place in your family’s lunch boxes for the coming week.
It is a good idea to have all your ingredients lined up on the counter. Not only will they be easily accessible once you start cooking, but you can add them as the recipe recommends. Again if you want and you feel comfortable with your children helping get them involved by asking them to work on one of the recipes you’ve chosen.
When cooking the food don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavours and ingredients. Instead of sending your partner to work with a piece of salmon and a mixed green salad, replace the salad with some grilled vegetables.
Step 5 – Storage Of Prepared Paleo Lunches
After everything has been cooked you can now move on to the storing of the meals you’ve created.
Use containers that the entire family can easily grab and take with them from the fridge each morning. There are plenty of wonderful storage containers now available that have compartments within them to store food.
Make sure you portion out each meal for each person, depending on what his or her actual requirements are. Certainly for smaller children the portion size should be less than that you would provide your partner with.
Hopefully, the above is going to help you create some really delicious but easy and quick Paleo lunches for your family now and in the future.
The great thing about preparing food in advance is you’ll always have healthy alternatives on hand that the whole family will enjoy. The chance of anyone then choosing to enjoy an unhealthy snack is greatly reduced.
In most Paleo recipes, there are some useful and versatile recipes and ingredients that can be included in your lunch boxes.
You may even find some ideas here work great when looking for suitable Paleo breakfast ideas.
These Paleo, Caveman, or hunter-gatherer diet lunch ideas for work, home, or school are easy to make and will not require much of your time.
At the end of this article, you can check out our easy Paleo packed lunch idea.
You could even tweak it and/or add a few ingredients to suit your own particular tastes.
Why not try using grilled vegetables in place of the mixed salad greens?
Also, add to it some freshly ground black pepper.
Just A Few Paleo Lunch Ideas For You To Try
These are a few ideas that will ensure your family won’t get bored with their Paleo lunch on the go anytime soon.
1. Lunchbox Paleo Mix
If you want to provide your family with a homemade lunch, then investing in a good lunchbox is a must. You’ll be able to put anything you want in these as long as the food is Paleo approved.
You could opt for some fresh or sauteed veggies with some delicious Paleo bread. Plus, you can include something sweet in the box as well. A quick search online and you will find some really delicious Paleo cake recipes that would be suitable.
2. Cold Cuts and Jerkies
Tired of salads, vegetables, and fruit, then jerky and natural cold cuts included in your lunch could be a great choice.
Again, why not include a couple of slices of Paleo bread with your meat or jerky? You can then either eat them alone or place them inside the bread.
Meat is a very important part of this diet and it provides plenty of protein and energy for the body.
There are plenty of Paleo recipes with chicken available online.
Why not try making a delicious roast chicken salad or some of your own beef jerky?
3. Colourful Salads
This all-time favourite for a lunch idea is also a winner with the Paleo diet.
You can mix and match different fruits and vegetables into your salads, as long as you stick with approved Paleo foods.
In place of lettuce, why not see how things taste if you put in some cauliflower rice in a chicken salad?
To the chicken add some sweet potato, bacon, red pepper, sea salt, and a little coconut milk. So making a delicious curry chicken salad you can make as spicy or mild as you like. You may even find that this works great as a Paleo dinner recipe.
Why not try making one using some canned salmon or tuna? Add into the equation some hard-boiled eggs, some cherry tomatoes, and bacon. You’ll really make these salads the best salad ever.
You could even make one that uses sweet potato and olive oil and lemon juice combined with say chicken thighs or fish cakes.
Your kids will definitely find it amusing to make their own salads for their school lunches, too. Each Paleo food they add to their salad will not only be delicious but also nutritious. They can also make their salad as colourful as they want it to be. Why not help them make a tuna salad, in which they put some carrots they’ve grated?
4. Burgers and Wraps
When you think of Paleo, you might think it definitely will not have recipes that include bread or wraps.
This is a misconception.
In fact, there are Paleo bread recipes, pancakes, muffins, waffles, and lettuce wraps you can check out. These can be great for your own Paleo lunch ideas.
Toss in some meat, veggies, and natural dressing and you’re good to go! A simple dressing to try is some olive oil combined with lemon juice and pepper.
5. Sandwiches
Just because you are following a Paleo diet doesn’t mean you have to give up bread completely.
Why not try making your own bread using either almond flour or coconut flour? Again, you’ll find some great recipe ideas for bread that are Paleo-approved online. Then use the bread after you’ve boiled up some eggs to make a wonderful egg salad sandwich.
Now you have some Paleo lunch ideas, here is a wonderful lunch recipe as promised!
For this recipe, the time to prepare is relatively short in consideration for those who don’t have a lot of time to spare.
The people who might eat this meal, which can be your kids and your partner, are also taken into consideration.
The featured recipe is the Paleo Steak and Strawberry Salad. The name is tempting enough for kids, and the ingredients you use in this recipe are easy to find and tweak.
Make this salad for tomorrow’s Paleo lunch on the go and you’ll definitely be asked for more!
- ¼ Cup (60 ml) Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) Almond Butter
- 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) Balsamic Vinegar
- 1 Teaspoon (5 ml) Maple Syrup
- 4 Cups (946 g) Mixed Salad Greens (There are mixed organic greens you can buy, but you can make your own)
- 1 ½ Cups (354 g) Steak – Sliced (You can use leftovers for this)
- 1 Cup (236 g) Fresh Strawberries – Sliced
- 1 Avocado – Sliced
- First, you need to make sure that your salad greens, avocado, and strawberries are clean. Make sure you discard any ingredients that show spoilage.
- In a small bowl, add the balsamic vinegar, almond butter, and extra virgin olive oil. Whisk the ingredients well. Choose creamy almond butter, so you’ll also have a creamy texture for your salad dressing.
- In a larger bowl, toss the leftover steak, strawberries, greens, and avocado. Add your dressing and toss well.
- This makes 4 servings. Enjoy!
This is one of the simplest Paleo lunch that your family can truly enjoy.
If you have no leftover steak, you can definitely substitute other meat such as chicken.
It is your decision which kinds of salad greens you use when making such Paleo recipes.
This is a versatile Paleo lunch recipe that even your kids will love.
Paleo lunch ideas are not even close to being boring and are a great way to enjoy the Paleo diet.
You could even use some of these recipes to help you create the ideal keto lunch meal if this is the diet you are following.
So the next time you think of what to do for lunch just keep in mind the advice offered above.
I’m sure that in no time at all you will come up with some great Paleo lunch ideas yourself.