Help With Making Following A Paleo Diet Easier
Everywhere you look you’ll come across hundreds of tips that purport to make following a Paleo diet a lot easier. But this isn’t always the case.
The tips I offer below are more general and I don’t expect you to follow them all. It is far better if you choose ones that you feel comfortable with then begin to include them in your Paleo diet life. Once it has become a habit you can then think about adding another one. Then work on it in the same way you do with the first tip until it becomes second nature to you.
Tip 1 – Experiment
Eating fewer than 50g of carbs each day may work for plenty of others, but it doesn’t mean it will work for you. In fact, it could lead to other problems. The best way to determine if something will work is by experimenting. For example, if you think you are fructose intolerant then don’t have any fruit for the next 30 days or so. Note how you look, feel and perform. Then add fruit back in and see how you feel.
Tip 2 – Move On – Don’t Feel Guilty
Feeling guilty because you have decided to eat something that isn’t part of your Paleo diet is a recipe for disaster. Often what happens when we think negatively about such is that it causes us to eat more. By enjoying the moment and just carrying on helps prevent those negative thoughts from taking control.
Tip 3 – Plan Meals
By planning your meals in advance may well prevent you from cheating as often as you have been. If you can put aside an hour each Sunday to plan out your Paleo diet or Caveman diet meals for the following week. Make sure that the Paleo recipes you choose are ones that are easy to prepare and you will be happy to eat regularly. If you can select 5 to 7 dishes you like then rotate them throughout the week.
Tip 4 – Follow Paleo Diet Recipes
There are plenty of Paleo diet recipes you can follow online which are available to you for free. All you need, do is type in “Primal or Paleo recipes”, and you’ll be surprised at the results that appear.
After following a few recipes you may suddenly find that you have the urge to create your own. By following these Paleo recipes it should start to bring out your more creative side.
Tip 5 – Keep Things Simple
When it comes to preparing meals you need not spend hours slaving away in the kitchen. You could prepare simple dishes like bacon and eggs or even chicken and sweet potato fries, all of which appear on any approved Paleo diet food list.
Also, don’t forget you need not have vegetables or meat with every meal. What you do need to do is make sure that you are using good quality meat such as that has been grass fed.
I hope you find these tips for following Paleo diets of some use and over the next few days, I will start to add more.