Asparagus – Why Include In Your Diet?
Okay, asparagus may not be the most appetising looking food, but it is still one you should consider including in your diet. As well as not looking all that nice, most of us are put off using it because compared to other vegetables this is very expensive as it can only be harvested by hand.
But having said that enjoying asparagus occasionally can make a real difference to how you look at feel. There are several nutritional and health benefits to be gained from choosing to eat this vegetable regularly.
Asparagus Nutritional Benefits
1. As well as being an alkaline food this vegetable provides you with a good source of protein without you having to eat too many carbs or calories.
2. Unlike some other vegetables, you already enjoy when it comes to this one you’ll find it provides your body with a good source of Vitamins, A, C, and K and traces of Vitamin B Complex. Plus it is a good source of Folate and potassium.
3. This vegetable offers you a good source of dietary fibre and is rich in phosphorus and niacin, yet only containing a small amount of sodium.
4. Finally, it comes with the perfect ratio (2:1) of calcium and magnesium in it.
Asparagus Health Benefits
1. In each spear of asparagus, there is an abundance of an amino acid known as asparagine, which can help to remove waste materials and toxins from your body. Often some people who regularly eat asparagus will complain that their urine smells funny, but you shouldn’t be worried as this is helping to ensure that your kidneys are being cleaned properly.
2. Unlike other vegetables, you’ll find this one contains high levels of nutrients that your body needs to function properly. Plus will help your body to recover from certain health conditions.
3. Levels of alkaline in this vegetable are high and as a result, will help to reduce the amount of acidity in your blood. This will help to eliminate waste from your tissue and muscles.
4. Asparagus contains a unique phytochemical that produces an anti-inflammatory effect in your body. This can help to relieve some of the symptoms frequently associated with rheumatism or arthritis.
5. If you were to eat it regularly along with helping to ensure that you have regular bowel movements, it also has a slight laxative effect.
6. Contained within this vegetable are certain anti oxidant components along with glutathione, both of which can help reduce the chances of you developing cancer. Also, both can help to prevent eye problems such as cataracts forming.
7. For people who suffer from hypoglycemia or diabetes, they find drinking the juice of this vegetable can help them control their blood sugar levels better.
8. Asparagus is a wonderful diuretic and to get the most from it then you need to drink its juice.
9. If you have a weak or enlarged heart by combining a small amount of the juice from asparagus with some raw honey that you consume 3 times each day will help to strengthen it.
10. Both the diuretic and alkaline properties of this vegetable can not only prevent kidney stones from forming but also help to dissolve them. It does this by breaking down the oxalic acid crystals that may form in the kidneys.
11. For us women, the diuretic properties of asparagus can help to relieve PMS symptoms such as bloating and swelling. Plus the magnesium in this vegetable helps to provide relief from fatigue and depression during this period.
12. Pregnant women should eat asparagus regularly because of the high concentrations of calcium, Folate and other minerals it contains. All of which can not only reduce the risk of birth defects but also reduce the risk of the child being underweight when born. Plus again the diuretic properties in it can reduce the risk of pregnant women suffering from water retention.