Are Chia Seeds Paleo?

In recent months like me, you’ve probably noticed lots of recipes that include chia seeds in them.  Yet even though they are a Paleo approved food, they don’t appear at the top of the list.  In fact, they appear way down and as a result, keep your consumption of them low.

Are Chia Seeds Paleo?

Most of the recipes I’ve come across use them to make desserts with.  But I use them in smoothies.

I can tell that chia seeds have become popular lately because they aren’t just available in health food stores.  All the main grocery stores where I live now stock them.

Why Are Chia Seeds Paleo Proving Popular?

The reason that these seeds are proving popular is that they can add some variety to a meal.  Also, if you suffer from any food sensitivities, you’ll find these worth including in your diet.   People who have a sensitivity to eggs will find including chia seeds in their diet a good idea.

But it isn’t all about being beneficial to those who have food sensitivities.  There are plenty of reasons why you and I should include these little seeds in our diet.

In just 1 ounce (28g) of chia seeds, you’ll find it contains 9g of fat.  Of this 5g comprises mainly Omega-3 fats, with small amounts of Omega 2 and 6.

Also in this small amount of chia seeds, you’ll find it contains 12g of carbs.  Of this 11g is actually made up of fiber.

Finally, in just 1 ounce of these tiny seeds, you’ll find 5g of protein.  Which is small compared to the amount of fat and fiber in this food?   

Yet although it contains lots of fat the amount of carbs found in this food is low.  So is suitable not only for those following a Paleo diet but anyone who wants to follow a Keto diet.

For anyone who is looking to lose weight inclusion of such food in their diet is a good idea.  As already mentioned these seeds contain a great deal of fat.  Chia seeds Paleo can help you lose weight by making you feel fuller for longer after a meal.  This will help to reduce any sugar cravings.

Also, you’ll find that your body becomes much more effective at burning any fat stored in it.  This is because there are certain enzymes contained within the chia seed.

When released into the body these enzymes help your liver to break down fatty acids easier.  Again meaning your body can provide itself with energy to work better.  As a result, it will help your body to burn off unwanted calories and fat.

Yet although it comes with certain benefits.  I wouldn’t be looking at Chia Seeds Paleo in the same way as some other foods are.  These aren’t superfoods, but more of a healthy one.  One which when used in moderation will help you a great deal.

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